Elliptic curve cryptography

Andrei Zhozhin

| 9 minutes

Elliptic curves or ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptographic) or ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) are already used in blockchain and to protect HTTP traffic as they have a compact size and much larger private keyspace than older algorithms like RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman). As ECC provides the same level of security with a much shorter key length it is much more preferable for low power devices and limited storage (Internet of things and mobile devices). In SSL/TLS ECC reduces time to perform SSL/TLS handshake thus reducing overall load time. Regarding computation complexity on high levels of security (>128 bit) RSA performance decline dramatically (with RSA keys longer than 3072) while ECC still performing very well. At the same time, RSA is very mature and widely adopted as RSA was standardized in 1994 (patent expired in 2000), and the algorithm itself was invented in 1977. Contrary ECC entered wide use in 2005.

Adoption x
Maturity x
Key size x
Performance x (short keys) x (long keys)
Scaling x

Table with key length comparison between RSA and ECC

Security (In Bits) RSA Key Length Required (In Bits) ECC Key Length Required (In Bits)
80 1024 160-223
112 2048 224-255
128 3072 256-383
192 7680 384-511
256 15360 512+

Please note that after 128 bits of security RSA key growing very fast.

Elliptical curves

Elliptical curves could be defined as the following equation:

y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b 

It could be defined as the real field or finite field. In the case of the finite field, all numbers are integers which allow quick computational operations.

Shapes of elliptic curves

The following elliptic curves are defined in a real field. There are many curves in use, some of them are recommended for secure implementation, some of them are not. Here is a list of curves and their coefficients for comparison.

Elliptic curve catalog

Secp256k1 curve

For Bitcoin and Etherium the same elliptic curve is used - secp256k1 with a=0 and b=7.

So the elliptic curve equation looks like that: y^2 = x^3 + 7.

We have our elliptic curve defined over integer field so it would be: y^2 mod p = (x^3 + 7) mod p

The mod p - (modulo prime number p) indicates that the curve is over the finite field of prime order p (Fp).

Where p = 2^256-2^32-2^9-2^8-2^7-2^6-2^4-1 or in hex 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f

So even if the elliptic curve formula looks simple it is calculated for points in a very big field.

Elliptic curve over real field (y^2 = x^3 + 7):

Elliptic curve over real field

Elliptic curve over a finite field of prime order 17 y^2 = (x^3 + 7) mod 17 (it is not possible to visualize real point distribution for p):

Elliptic curve over small prime field

As you can see finite field dots have still preserved some symmetry over the horizontal axis.

Before we go to private and public keys we need to understand operations that we can do with points on elliptic curves.

Elliptic curve arithmetic operations

Elliptic curve addition is defined as R = P + Q, when all points belong to the same curve. There is a geometric interpretation of addition:

Elliptic curve geometric interpretation

If we draw a line from P to Q and find the intersection with curve we would get -R point, finding the opposite point over the x-axis would give us R.

If we have addition then we can implement multiplication k * P = P + P + ... + P (k times)

All operations over elliptic curves (source: Wikipedia):

Elliptic curve operations

Please note that this shape of the curve with a=-1 and b=1 (y^2 = x^3 - x + 1)

Operations: 1 - addition, 2, 4- doubling, 4 - negation

If we apply several operations one after another it could be depicted as the following (Visualization for curve y^2 = x^3 - x + 1):

Real field elliptic curve intersection

In we look at the finite field then the same operations could be visualized like the following (coordinates overlap), this visualization for curve y^2 = x^3 - x + 1 using prime order of 97:

Finite field elliptic curve intersection

Private key generation

A private key is a single number selected from the range [0, n-1] where n = 2^256. So Etherium private keyspace is 2^256, to give you an idea of how big it is 2^256 ~ 1.158 * 10^77. For comparison, the visible universe is estimated to contain between 10^78 and 10^82 atoms. If you pick a number randomly from this space there is practically impossible to guess it.

Let’s generate a private key using python (using ecdsa library)

import ecdsa

sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.generate(curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
private_key = sk.to_string().hex()

Example output (if you would run the code above you would get another result)


Public key

The public key could be derived from the private key using the following formula: K = k * G Where k - private key and G - generator point is defined as constant for every elliptical curve, * - is the elliptical curve multiplication operator.

Because this operation is performed over finite field multiplication is not reversible, thus if you have a public key and generator point it is not possible to divide public key K value by generator point G value to derive k. Because multiplication is not reversible you can safely share the public key with the world.

Generator point G:


We can check that this point belongs to the curve

(Gy**2 - Gx**3 - 7) % p  # returns 0

Let’s generate private key from private

vk = sk.get_verifying_key() #this is your verification key (public key)
public_key = vk.to_string().hex()

Output in hex

0634463de6107896b12c54938d9750ce5198a6fe5128f4751ab67aa8762f8659a0a015aa2138139 \

Now we need to extract (x,y) components from K, it is packed as follows: [32-byte X coordinate] + [32-byte Y coordinate]

Kx = int(public_key[0:64], 16)
Ky = int(public_key[64:128], 16)
print(Kx, Ky)



And now we can validate that that point is still on the curve:

(Ky**2 - Kx**3 - 7) % p # return 0

In practice public keys have an extra prefix byte that describes a type of packaging:

Prefix Meaning Length (with prefix)
0x00 Point at infinity 1 byte
0x02 Compressed point with even y 33 bytes
0x03 Compressed point with odd y 33 bytes
0x04 Uncompressed point 65 bytes

The compressed format is using only x coordinate, but because there are two y coordinates on the curve for a single x, there are prefixes that define odd or even y should be used. Then y could be calculated as sqrt(x^3+7) Compressed keys are two times shorted while having the same information.

So compression format:

('0x02' or '0x03') + x-coordinate (32 bytes/64 hex)

The uncompressed format looks like the following:

'0x04' + x-coordinate (32 bytes/64 hex) + y-coordinate (32 bytes/64 hex)

To get a properly formatted public key we need to add 0x04 prefix to indicate that we are using the uncompressed format:

real_public_key = '04' + public_key


040634463de6107896b12c54938d9750ce5198a6fe5128f4751ab67aa8762f8659a0a015aa2138139 \

Etherium Address

Address in the Etherium network could also be derived from the private key: we need to calculate the Keccak256 hash from the public key, and take the last 20 bytes out of 32 bytes of hash.

Address = B[96..255](Keccak256(PublicKey(private_key)))

Let’s calculate the address using the following code

import sha3

keccak = sha3.keccak_256()
addr = keccak.digest()[-20:]
print('0x' + bytes.hex(addr)) # prefix `0x` required to get valid Etherium address



We can compare it with address derivation logic in web3.py:

from web3 import Web3
web3 = Web3()
acc = web3.eth.account.privateKeyToAccount(private_key)



Both addresses matched which means our code produce correct results.


ECDSA use two numbers (integers): r and s, in addition, there is also the recovery identifier v. Let’s say we have a message and a private key da. The signing process would be the following.

  1. Calculate hash of the message e = hash(message)
  2. Generate secure random value k
  3. Calculate R = k*G, where G is a generator point
  4. Calculate r = R.x % n, if r equal to zero, goto step 2
  5. Calculate s = 1/k * (e + r*da) % n, if s equal to zero, goto step 2

Recovery identifier v is used to remove ambiguity between 4 points during verification, every value r have two Y points on the curve, and because r = R.x % n there is also possible that point might be r + n with two corresponding Y values. If you don’t have v then you need to check all 4 points until you find the one that matches the public key.

Fortunately, there is python implementation for signing:

import ecdsa

private_key = "f9e6a7cb98b65206b21ddf094e0b0994d4ca79f1db769ef6b83dd2a513d69ffe"
message = "Hello world!"
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(private_key), curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)

public_key = sk.get_verifying_key() 
message_bytes = str.encode(message)
sig = sk.sign(message_bytes, hashfunc=sha256)
print(f"Public key: {public_key.to_string().hex()}")
print(f"Signature : {sig.hex()}")

The output of the script above (output is formatted to fit into layout)

Public key: 0634463de6107896b12c54938d9750ce5198a6fe5128f4751ab67aa8762f8659a0a015 \ 
Signature : ffbf419f39486dfcd057bf0fd38c67e8fb82ef338e13e49b2259baa22ff083b2c4f57c \

Our signature is standard thus it is 64 bytes/128 hex.

Signature format for standard signatures (r and s only) total 64 bytes / 128 hex:

r-value (32 bytes/64 hex) + s-value (32 bytes/64 hex)

For Etherium there is also v (27/0x1B or 28/0x1C) added at the end total 65 bytes / 130 hex:

r-value (32 bytes/64 hex) + s-value (32 bytes/64 hex) + v-value (1 byte/2 hex)

Verifying Signature

The idea of signature verification is to prove that message was not amended by someone and it is created by the person you expect (based on their public certificate)

  1. Calculate hash of the message to verify e = hash(message)
  2. Calculate point R = (x1, y1) on the curve, where x1 = r if v==27, or x1 = r+n if v==28
  3. Calculate two numbers u1 = -z/r % n and u2 = s/r %n
  4. Calculate point Q = (xa, ya) = u1 x G + u2 x R

Point Q is a public key for private key that was used to sign the message. If it matches the expected public key - a signature is valid.

We are using public_key and signature from previous example

from hashlib import sha256
message = "Hello world!"
message_bytes = str.encode(message)
public_key= '0634463de6107896b12c54938d9750ce5198a6fe5128f4751ab67aa8762f8659a0a015 \
sig       = 'ffbf419f39486dfcd057bf0fd38c67e8fb82ef338e13e49b2259baa22ff083b2c4f57c \

vk_bytes = bytes.fromhex(public_key)
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(vk_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1, hashfunc=sha256) 
vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(sig), message_bytes) # True

In Etherium hash calculated like the following: Keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32" + Keccak256(message)) to avoid using outside of Etherium network.

Big tech and cryptography

I’ve checked several big tech companies web sites to understand the adoption of elliptic curve cryptography and here are the results:

Company Web site Signature hash Public key
Google https://google.com SHA256 ECC (256 bits)/ECDSA_P256
Facebook https://facebook.com SHA256 ECC (256 bits)/ECDSA_P256
Amazon https://amazon.com SHA256 RSA (2048 bits)
Apple https://apple.com SHA256 RSA (2048 bits)
Microsoft https://microsoft.com SHA256 RSA (2048 bits)
Twitter https://twitter.com SHA256 RSA (2048 bits)

Some of the companies already switched to ECDSA while others are still on RSA as it is still good enough.


We have looked at elliptical curves and understood how to do operations on them. We generated a private key and derived a public key using multiplication on an elliptic curve. We validated that all points we’ve got belong to the same curve. We also locked in the signing and verification process.

All this cryptographic code may look tedious, but this is fascinating that these approaches and algorithms are enabling top-level security and allow to build mind-blowing things on top of them.

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